Our guideline is the search for the best solution.

Products of the company BETAS are modern and reliable, and due to their high quality they are among the best in this branch of industry. They conform all technical and environmental standards, therefore their influence on the environment is very low.

Optimized technologic process and high quality of the equipment and parts assure very low energy consumption for the production of asphalt and concrete. With the high quality of assembly parts the noise around the plant is acceptable low. The most modern isolation materials prevent unnecessary energy loss and decrease the energy for input components drying. During the operation of the plant the energy losses are extremely low. Emissions of dust particles and their influence on the environment are far below the allowed values. This is achieved by high quality filters, made of supreme filtering materials.
All markets worldwide.

The products of the company BETAS are suitable for all markets of the world, since they offer an excellent price-performance ratio and are environment friendly. They are of supreme quality and can be adapted to any wish of any customer.

The life of people in the contemporary world is crucially influenced by technology. Technology allows us to produce various goods that we use in our daily life and that benefit the quality of our lives. In many societies it has strongly contributed to the development of economy and thus allowed the rise of the middle class. However, during the production we have to take in consideration our environment. The influence of production processes on environment is not negligible. In recent times it is therefore very important to find and develop technological solutions that increase the productivity and efficiency of production processes but at the same time decrease the energy consumption and negative influence on the environment.
M: 00386 41 645 155   E: info@betas.si
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